Saturday, June 11, 2016

Moi: crashing

I fainted.
Not the graceful type of fainting you read about in a Victorian novel-when a young wife, whose corset was strapped too tightly around her 12 inch waist gets word that her husband didn't arrive on the noon train, and she gently swoons onto her fainting couch, with servants rushing to her side with smelling salts.
My story is a bit different...
Our heroine had a 24 hour virus, that without getting into very un-Victorian details, left her in bed and dehydrated. Everyone had gone to bed and the heroine, always one to practice good dental hygiene, got up to floss and brush. As she flossed, she felt woozy...moaning...falling...crashing. But this heroine, always wanting to be the hero of her own story, tries to save herself from crashing and holds on tight to the counter on her way down. She did. Blackness. Then the real hero of the story is shaking her and yelling her name. She wakes up to blood all over her face, and the hero puts a cold can of Dr. Pepper on her nose, cleans her up and whisks her to the ER. A few tests, a couple stitches  and water bags later, the heroine's ready to get back to what she came for! Banff or bust!

Our heroine, high on saline, at the Kootenay ER in Coeur d'Alene.

Beautiful drive into Canada, through the Kootenay region of BC.


  1. Jeanine!! Glad you're ok, but man, take care of yourself!! Reading your post I had flashbacks of our one and only RV roadtrip that included Bell's palsy (for me) and pink eye (for Shaun)...ugh

  2. WHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? In the store you find special belts that holds two or more water bottles. Maybe that is an idea to avoid ant repeat.
