Why did the blog come to a crashing stop? That would be the meltdown of '14 at the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone*. It's all fuzzy now, but I remember fragments of the scene: David wants to hike a waterfall, I've locked myself in the car, I vaguely remember some children, there was rain (or were those tears?) and there was a bolo tie (ok, I made that up). David is asking me why his family is the only one sitting in the car and I remember saying because the other families hadn't had 15 straight days of nature. Wrong answer.
Fast forward 12 hours and we are at the Circus Circus midway in Vegas and I'm drinking a well margarita while wearing a cowboy hat I bought at a souvenir shop in Arizona. Not my finest moment.
Two years later and we have planned a road trip that personifies every longstanding marriage: compromise. Picture Donny and Marie singing, "I'm a little bit country...I'm a little bit rock and roll." Our upcoming road trip itinerary is city-nature-nature-nature-nature-nature-nature-city-city-city. We were tempted by pictures our friends recently posted from their road trip to Banff and Jasper to recreate our own Canadian memories-Banff or Bust! Of course, if we're driving by it, why not stop in Seattle and Portland? Plus a little Shakespeare in Ashland never killed anyone.
*To all my new friends I've made in the last year, please reference blog posts dating back to May 2014 for full explanation of my thoughts, analysis and insights on camping. Alternately, listen to Jim Gaffigan's Camping